Cofaco holds the “Dolphin Safe” status granted by the “Earth Island Institute”, which ensures that dolphins are not caught or harmed in this fishery. Monitoring of these fisheries has been carried out since 1998 by the Azores Fisheries Observation Program, POPA.
The “Friend of the Sea” certificate verifies the sustainability of fisheries by ensuring that fish are caught responsibly, in areas where there is no stock-holding, and with minimal impact on the environment. It was awarded in 2001 to tuna fishery using the pole-and-line technique.
Cofaco is certified by BRC Global Standards, a leading quality and safety certification program, which ensures the standardisation of quality, safety and operational criteria and ensures that manufacturers comply with their legal obligations and protect the end consumer.
COFACO Azores completed its membership of the Marine Stewardship Council for Sustainable Fishing, obtaining the MSC chain of custody certification.
With this certification, COFACO now has a new tool for the selection and quality-control of its main raw material, within the scope of purchasing fish.
Joining this program and obtaining the MSC certification is a commitment and a demonstration of COFACO’s commitment to the sustainability of fisheries and protection of marine biodiversity, safeguarding the future of the oceans for future generations.
Through APASA, Association of Tuna Producers and Similar in the Azores, Cofaco is a member of the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF). Thus, it contributes to the development and promotion of sustainable fisheries, through the pole-and-line technique.
Cofaco cooperates with the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries of the University of the Azores, investing in scientific research aimed at preserving marine life and a sustainable “use” of the Atlantic Ocean. This program covers national and international projects.
PT-INNOVATION-0091 Green fish oil from blue industry
Total budget for the project: 651.723,00 Euros
Financial support: 436.626,00 Euros
Through the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are partners, in the internal market, of the Member States of the European Union. As a way of promoting a continuous and balanced strengthening of the economic and trade relations, the parties of the European Economic Area Agreement have established a Multiannual Financial Mechanism, known as the EEA Grants. The EEA Grants aim to reduce the economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and strengthen the bilateral relations between beneficiary and donor countries. For the period 2014-2021, a total contribution of 2.8 thousand million euros has been agreed to 15 beneficiary countries. Portugal will benefit from an amount of 102.7 million euros.
Learn more at eeagrants.gov.pt
Find out more about this project in this video.